WWIII We the People #13 Heal Thy Self

October 27, 2024  •  Leave a Comment


Heal thy self has the same letters in the same order as Healthy Self…

“All disease begins in the gut.” – Hippocrates

Update: Nov. 30 - How the FDA waged war against the American People...See the next blog post.

I did not begin my journey by healing the gut.  I started by going to the doctor to find out how to address the symptoms I was having.  And this is how we were taught to behave.  And this is how the system is set up.  The medical machine is trained to diagnose, give a prescription, and/or use surgery.  If any doctor gives natural advice it comes from their own continued research or interest. It is not taught.  Outside of this establishment there are Functional Doctors.  I am using one nearby with money saved, who has looked at my blood work and given specific foods or supplements for impacting change.  And after years of working to heal the body I have come to the conclusion that no one has looked at the body as a whole.  I am given advice for each of the parts.  My own approach was in segments as well.  I started with foods to make the body alkaline. I will list these foods later in the post. I bought filters and activated the water to increase the Ph balance.  I found a functional doctor to address the blood work and then finally I found a new book, “Good Energy” along with a video about the microbiome in the gut that both brought me back to the gut, where all illness starts.  I didn’t know what I didn’t know but I do now.  Hopefully this research will help you to make decisions for yourself that will increase your health.  I’m not allowed to give advice as the Federal Government won’t have it any other way.

UPdate: Jan. 8, 2025  "Super Gut" by William Davis, MD, has a protocol for healing the gut.  It is a 4 week plan.  I  have ordered the specific bacteria and I plan to make the yogurt and get started next week.  The book gives the history of our biome.  It explains how you really can't get to the small intestine to measure what is in there.  But if you have any autoimmune condition, type 2 diabetes, obesity, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrom, celiac disease, depression, anxiety, fatty liver, diverticulitis, colorectal cancer, neurodegenerative disorders, alzheimers, etc. then you likely have a small intestine bacteria overgrowth and or small intestine fungus overgrowth.  This book explains how to help yourself. 

The gut needs a certain balance.  Finding information from the medical system that does not lean into healing has given me nothing to go on except to take a probiotic.  But I learned about prebiotics to strengthen the probiotics.  And further down the page I’ll share the videos that helped me to learn about supporting the gut with fulvic acid and humic acid. I will continue to share what I am learning as we have much to relearn about how we are to take care of this magnificent body which I believe can heal itself without the medical establishment of chemical pills and surgery.  So let’s begin…


The doctor in the video below begins at the end: your colin and what comes out of the body.  In studying this she is able to discern that gut imbalances cause illness.  Dr Sabine Hazan revels that the of the body is our immune system.  In her clinical research she discovered that the Vaccine used for the Covid Virus killed the bifido bacteria in the gut.  Without this bacterium, your body is not able to defend itself effectively.  You can increase this bacterium with Vitamin C.  Ivermectin will also increase this helpful bacterium in the gut.  Listen to her evidence showing that not only did she know how to heal this virus in April 2020 but how she was blocked from being able to publish results because the governmental machine had a narrative that was NOT supported by science.



Ivermectin HOW TO BUY: You can buy it in the USA for $3 a pill.  Or you can buy it from India for about 30 cents a pill.  You will need to set up an account with the Wish app.  I used a separate credit card and never had any problems.  I will post the company I used when I find it as I bought from them twice about 3 years ago.... IndiaMART is the company.  Send an email to [email protected]   They send me one email a month with items I might be interested in.

- +I found another option for buying Rx without the script ...  Pills4ever.com  (256) 664-4170   Promo Code: PEOPLESVOICE  (It may or may not work.  I watch his videos for news/truth on Rumble: Peoples Voice)


UPDATE 12/20/24  More options from Russell Brand, one of the truthers I follow on Rumble...

Get prepped with IVERMECTIN and life-saving meds at The Wellness Company: https://www.twc.health/BRAND – code BRAND saves $30 + FREE shipping
Go to https://www.RuffGreens.com and use promo code RUSSELL and get a Trial Bag FREE!
Go to http://rumble.com/premium/brand and use code BRAND to save $10 off!


The CDC quietly approves Ivermectin for the virus - see short reel below



Care for all Advanced Cancers



Overview of results of using Ivermectin for the virus 19 and cancer.



Parasites are the culprit for many diseases and for cancer.  This is a chart of where they can impact the body.



pokeysplace is a website for more testimonials and cleanse information



UPDATE Nov. 30, 2024 - Bombshell interview with Dr. William Makis on using IVERMECTIN and FENBENDAZOLE protocols to Eliminate Cancer


Dr. Makis on platforms:  MakisMD.substack.com


Update - Jan. 2025 I have something in my breast.  It is called cancer.  But in my opinion.  It is not cancer.  In all the research I've done, it cannot be cancer.  I have an alkaline body.  I eat clean.  I filter and charge my water.  And after reviewing the information on Ivermectin, I took it for 7 months.  It made no impact.  The spot is fed by estrogen according to the test results.  My current report shows that my estrogen has been reduced to a normal level.  So  I am now using Red Light Therapy from RedLife.  There is thirty years of research showing healing in 24 hours for tumors and breast problems.  And the list goes on.  30 years of research.  I only heard of it on TV for growing hair and a face mask.  I bought the belt.  It is 20"x9" and started using it Friday, Jan. 3rd.  I hope to report success by the end of February.


Here is a Colin Cleanse I used.  I only made two trips to the bathroom and noticed a difference in my condition the following days (done Oct. 23, 2024).  I plan to repeat this until my bowel movements are firm and healthy.

In the morning:

2 cups of warm water

1 lemon; I included the lemon peel blended into the water after the salt melted.

1 Tbs. food grade Epson Salt; beginners can use less.  I used 1 ½ tsp Epson Salt (bath salt, unflavored), ½ tsp. Real Salt (mineral salt from the USA, to nourish and hydrate the body)

               Juice your veggies; I used a vegan protein shake

               Soup broth for dinner. NO cooked foods.  It’s only one day…You can do this.


Another easy cleanse for days after heavy eating or a boost for your system:

1 apple

1 inch chunk of ginger

1 lemon

II put it in a blender with some coconut water or plain filtered water will do.  Blend and drink slowly.


The following day I began this Ancient Colin Restore recipe by Barbara O’Neil

Week 1: 1 tsp. in the morning, 1 tsp. afte8r lunch. 

Week 2: 1 tsp in the morning

1 c. honey (48 tsp. per cup)

1 large aloe leaf; I bought some Organic aloe in a jar.  I added it to the recipe and I take a shot of it before the honey mixture as I know aloe helps the digestive system and it fights cancer.)

Recipe helps and fights with:

Colitis, Gastritis, Ulcers, Reduces the progression and growth of malignant tumors, arthritis, inflammation – especially in the gastrointestinal tract, stabilized sugar, cholesterol, triglyceride levels, blood pressure, alkalinized, prevents the formation of kidney, helps accelerate the healing of wounds on the skin, revitalizes body cells, promotes bowel movement eliminating constipation and more.


When you are detoxing the body it is helpful to use a binder.  This will help your body get the toxins out and assist the body to make a firm stool. This supplement was recommended by a Functional Doctor.  G.I. Detox+.  It has activated charcoal, aloe, Zeolite and more.  I found some on Amazon.


In the book, “Good Energy” by Casey Means, MD with Calley Means again we find that the branches of disease come back to the mitochondria.  The book is subtitled, “The Surprising Connection Between Metabolism and Limitless Health.”  Below is a short video telling how the medical establishment does NOT support learning or giving nutritional support to individuals who earn the title “Doctor.”.  In the second video Tucker Carlson interviews the siblings in a long explanation of how a doctor who received honors as a student and surgeon came to walk away from the profession in search of real health.





Zach Bush Md explains that with only 2 round of antibiotics you set yourself up for cancer, depression, lack of connection, etc.  I went to his website and found that his product for healing the gut had Fulvic Acid.  I bought some supplements from Amazon that also included Humic Acid.  Is this the missing link?  Is this why I got a spot in my breast?  I don’t know but after I found this information I decided to add it to the supplements I am already taking.  I started with 2 a day but it gave me too much gas.  I took one a day for a few more days then decided to open the capsule and put half in my morning smoothie and take the remaining amount in the capsule with the evening meal.  (I am over 60 so I only eat 2 meals a day using intermittent fasting to allow my body more time to heal and maintain my weight.)




Below…IN this Blog post are the current ways to clear out the graphene oxide and nano robots that are showing up in vaccinated and unvaccinated blood.


Dr. Bryan Ardis shows how the use of nicotine as gum or a patch can stop the activity of the nanotech in your blood.  Every blood sample had it. These nanotech particles that can self assimble were injected into people for the fake virus and are able to transfer to others.  Below this video is my research on the benefits of nicotine.  We were taught that nicotine was addictive.  That was a lie.  It was the chemicals added to the cigarettes that made it addictive.  Tobacco has been used for generations in ceremony. 



UPdate - Dr. Ardis interview



Source: pmiscience.com

Nicotine is found naturally in Nightshade vegetables.  These vegetables have been given a bad name by Dr. Gundry and others.  I now believe that this information is wrong.  I put it in the same category as Dr. Fauci telling smokers to quit when the planned pandemic was hitting the world.  He gave this information out to the American people.  In France they had announced that smokers were not getting sick and came to find out that is because the nicotine was inhibiting the receptors from the synthetic virus.

In the video, Dr. Bryan Ardis suggests the Rugby brand is the cleanest nicotine.  I found a clear nicotine transdermal system patch on Amazon.  He says to cut the patch so that you start with only 1 mg for a week.  2 mg for the second week.  3 mg as a maintenance - cut the 21 mg patch in 8 pieces is close enough. 

Foods: tomatoes, potatoes, bell peppers, blueberries, egg plant, cauliflower - these are mentioned in the video.  Additionally: yellow peppers, red peppers, sweet pimentos, tomatillos, cayenne pepper, chili pepper, habaneros, jalapenos, poblanos, goji berries, ground cherries, paprika, okra, sorrel, pepino melon, ashwagonda, cape gooseberries, capsicums, Chinese 5 Spice, coocona, curry, Gram Masala, Huckleberries, hot sauce, kitjern, naranjillas, and papinos

Nicotine releases:

Dopamine- motor control, cognitive, critical for psychology; without nicotine you get neurodegenerative diseases

GABA – cells ability to send and receive messages, lower stress, eases anxiety, combat insomnia

Glutamate – brain function, necessary for making GABA

Acetylcholine – neurotransmitter, contracting smooth muscles, dilating blood vessels

Noradrenaline/norepinephrine – increase the force of contractions of skeletal muscles and the heartTo

Too much nicotine:

“As a result, nicotine may stimulate and ultimately affect short term brain functions, such as emotions, learning and memory.” Verywellhealth.com

“…can trigger narrowing of blood vessels, higher blood pressure and increased heart rate.” Britannica.com


Dr Ana Mihalcea shows how these structures work in the blood.  Under the microscope you can see that nicotine does slow it down.  Here is the information listed under the SGT Report on Rumble

“Dr. Ana Mihalcea returns to SGT Report with NEW dark field blood microscopy proving that NON-vaccinated people are being transfected with the mRNA nano technology, it's in our blood! But as you know, we always try to bring you GOOD news too, and Ana explains exactly how each and every one of us can get this satanic transhumanist sh#t out of our bodies! DO NOT miss this one!”



As mentioned in the show, EDTA from Global Healing: I bought it and have used a few drops in water but I'm uncertain how to use it.


Additionally from Dr. Robert Young, an expert on cells are links to his products for removal of nanotech from the body.  He also explains how Ozempic is killing the cells in people so they can lose weight and more. 

Update: Oct. 28 - Dr. Robert Young shows the patent used for the hook up of our bodies to 5G with the graphene oxide in our bodies.  And using Master Peace and I suggest Master Restore, you can buy it as a set for getting free from this transhumanism agenda.



The solution for the pollution.

Get the NANO-TECH & Heavy Metals out of your blood w/ Master Peace


MasterPeace Research Study Results:


PH Miracle Products:


Please Support Dr. Young's Legal Fund on Give Send Go: The government has persecuted him but he is only guilty of telling the truth.


More from Dr Robert Young published over the last couple of months. The video above dated Oct. 28 has the most concise information but if you want to see more pictures of the "stuff" in your blood, see the videos below.





The Universal Antidote

Early in the planned pandemic a scientist from Germany, Andreas Kalcker (link below)


discovered that the substance, chlorine dioxide, that "the news" called it bleach to mock Trump recommending it to cure the "virus." It actually did cure everyone in a poor country of South America.  When he reported his findings, his reputation was smeared (typical response from the bought and paid for media) and then he died suddenly and mysteriously - another common tactic.  Below is a doctor I have followed the last few years who explains how to use it in water to help your health and rid the body of unwanted hard metals and such.  I bought mine from Amazon.



Regret getting the shot?  Dr. Peter McCullough speak to that...



Vitamin D is so very important.



Cancer Cure in a nut: dried apricot seeds/ B17

I heard about this from someone who cured their own lung cancer with them.  He is an avid smoker an didn't quit so when he got cancer again he forgot to increase the dosage slowly and got sick.  My aunt who was a nurse tried them after the medical treatments (for stage 4 lung cancer) she was taking showed the tumors coming back.  She was able to live pretty well for another 18 months.  She quit eating them because they were from China - oh my.

I don't think remember if they tell in the video to cook the seed, I boil it when I'm warming water for tea.  The seed hasn't made an impact on breast cancer but breast cancer is not from having an acidic body like most cancer.


I eat the bitter seed but if you want to do it with food, check out this video.  I have not watched it but thought it looked worthy to include



Need detox from the COVID shot?

Here's a free book.  You have to give your email.  Then decide if you want anything on the second page - optional, e-book is free.


Baking Soda & Water

½ tsp baking soda, 1 glass of water


Balances pH                                      Treats acid reflux                             Soothes heartburn

Reduces inflammation                          Eases ulcer pain                              Helps teat cancer

Whitens teeth                          Improves workout ability                             Improves kidney function

Reduces gas & bloating                       Boosts energy                                  UTI: treats & prevents

Prevents gout                                     Reduces cholesterol                        Treats sore throat

Promotes detoxification                       Increases testosterone                   Treats arthritis

Prevents kidney stones                        Protects tooth enamel                   Promotes weight loss

Help quit smoking                                Slows chronic kidney disease         Good natural deodorant

Treats bronchitis                                   Soothes itchy skin                          May help pass drug tests

www.epicnaturalhealth.com                 Aids digestion, per Dr. Robert Young


Remove Radiation (Wifi and treatments) & Hydrate the Body  by Dr. Robert Young

1 quart of distilled water

1 tsp. baking soda

1 tsp. mineral salt (Real Salt is a band name mined in the USA)

Drink 1 cup at a time. Try to do this 4 times throughout the day.

LMNT - this is a product that athletes use to replenish the body after a workout.  It can be found on Amazon.  The functional doctor I use recommended it.  I thought using lemons in water would give me the same results but my bloodwork suggested I needed more electrolytes. 

So here is another lie that has been passed down in my lifetime – salt is bad for you.  OK the table salt that has been stripped of nutrients and had iodine added is bad but natural salt is not.  If fact we are salty on the inside.  If someone has a heart attack, the medical establishment puts them on a saline solution to stabilize the body immediately.  Barbara O’Neil, a natural pathologist.  I don’t really know what her title is but she knows how the body and plants interact.  She says that you can put Celtic Salt under the tongue for many benefits.  I found “Real Salt” which is mined in the USA on Amazon that seems to have the minerals needed that we talk about.  And it says to salt your food in the Bible somewhere, so I’ve heard.

LMNT has 1000 mg sodium, 200 mg potassium, 60 mg magnesium as 1 tsp.

I only use half of the package per container.  I use ½ tsp. in a large bottle, 22 oz approximately – I drink only half the bottle per day unless outside in hot weather.

I recently added 1 tsp of baking soda after I was reminded how good it is for the body (see above)

I also add food grade Boron to counter the poisoning that is done to our bodies in the skies, water, food, etc.  You add it according to your weight.  And it is best to drink in sips throughout the day.

Benefits of Boron -  alleviates arthritis or reduces risks, bone growth and maintenance, cancer risk reduction, supports central nervous system, facilitates hormone and immune response, antiinflammation, oxidative stress modulation.   -Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine

Food Lists - I started using this list of foods to make my body alkaline in 2015 while researching the concept of "food as medicine" which is the basis of Ayurveda and the book, "Hot Belly Diet". For this diet you move away from eating meat the first two weeks, then eat a vegetarian diet for 4 more weeks.  I felt so good I continued to this day and removed dairy.  So when I was diagnosed with cancer in the breast in Nov. 2022 I was shocked because all my research supported the idea that if your body was alkaline, then cancer can't live.  And I don't eat sugar as a rule - it is poison.  Occasionally I will but it is a conscious choice and I don't choose to buy products with added sugar nor eat food prepared with sugar added.  I do have to carry my own food when I travel and drink protein shakes before having a meal with people who eat "regular food." My diet has been very clean for 7 years before the diagnosis.  What I didn't know was that all the supplements I was taking masked some strong, bad flora in the intestines.  It is my conjecture that the breast is just a symptom not actually the cause.  The doctor Zach Bush (under the feather picture above) suggested it was a missing element in the gut.  I decided that fit well with what I was thinking.  I did also theorize that the "cancer" (in quotes because the medical establishment calls everything they can't cure, cancer) was from radiation poisoning.  I added to my diet a mixture suggested in one of the above videos by Dr. Robert Young. It is included in the following blog post on water.


Dr. Sebi not only cured cancer with food and herbs, he cured HIV and blindness.  Then the Federal Government "came for him" as his mother said they would.  He spent 7 years in court proving his claims.  Then one day in Mexico he was arrested for carrying too much cash on him.  He died there and his work has been split up with the family and others.  This list remained intact.

Alkaline Foods list by Dr. Sebi


Amaranth (spinach variety)


Bell Peppers

Chayote (Mexican Squash)


Dandelion Greens

Garbanzo beans (chick peas)

Tzote (cactus flower, leaf)


Lettuce (except Iceberg)

Mushrroms (except Shitake)

Nopales (Mexican cactus)




Poke salad (greens

Sea Vegetables (wakame, dulse, arame, hijiki, nori)

Tomato (cherry and plum only)

Turnip greens



Purslane (verdolaga)




Bananas (smallest one or Burroimid “original banana)


Elderberries in any form, not cranberries



Chirlmoya (sugar apples)




Grapes (seeded)

Limes (key lines preferred with seeds


Melons – seeded

Orange (Seville or sour preferred, difficult to find)





Prickly Pear (Cactus Fruit)


Raisins (seeded)

Soft Jolly Coconuts

Soursops (Latin or West Indian markets)



Nuts & Seeds (includes nut & seed butters)

Hemp Seed

Raw Sesame Seeds

Raw Sesame “Tahini” Butter


Brazil Nuts



Olive Oil (do not cook)

Coconut Oil (do not cook)

Grapeseed Oil

Sesame Oil

Hempseed Oil

Avocado Oil


Spcies – Seasonings



Bay leaf






Sweet Basil



Pungent & Spicy Flavors


Cayenne – African Bird Pepper

Coriander (Cilantro)

Onion Powder




100% Pure Agave Syrup (from cactus)

Date sugar – from dried dates

Salty Flavors

Pure Sea Salt

Powdered Granulated Seaweed (kelp, dulse, mori has a “sea taste”)










Wild Rice


Natural Herbal Teas









Tila (I can’t read on list, nor find on Google)




Everything above I have tried except the Ph Miiracle from Dr. Robert Young.  I have been able to get my PH up with water using a steralizer.  I did buy his book of the same name to check the research and try some of the recipies.

I'll list more health practices in the days and weeks to come. Be sure you are using a filter for your water.  Buying water in soft plastic bottles is suspect as the poison that enters the water when heated or frozen is not a good thing.  Our tap water isn't good either but it's all I have to work with.  Water blog follows... (soon)



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