WWIII We the People #15 Water is Life
Water has memory. It is amazing. It can be three different states of being: liquid, solid and gas. In our state of being in the body, we are mostly made of water, somewhere between 70 percent to 90 percent depending on the research you read. Our cells need water to function well. And it is a water mixture with salt that flows through the body in a very delicate balance. All of this is impressive. But it was the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto that impacted my thinking about water and its influence from our thoughts which then show up in the body. I was exposed to his work in the VHS movie, back in the 90’s called “What the Bleep Do We Know!?” In his book, “The Hidden Messages in Water” he featured photographs of frozen water showing the crystalline shapes. When the water was exposed to classical music or words that elicit positive emotions, extraordinary crystals like solid snowflakes emerged. Inversely, the water that experienced words of hate and violence were frozen in shapes that repulsed the viewer. So, the revelation to me was that our body, being made of water responds to the thoughts we think about ourselves. It is important to love ourselves fully and put some humor in our thinking about life and not be so serious about not liking parts of ourselves or parts of life we can’t control. Because the water KNOWS. It can make an image from the spoken word and it makes an image from the written word. It is way more intelligent than we were schooled to believe.
Go online to see the beautiful work of Dr. Emoto. Also, you can view the links below from Instagram of people who have done short experiments as well.
How to freeze water
Water and Dreams
Water impressions
How the moon phases affect water
Water is Information
Water into Oneness
Update 12/20/24 How water moves in the body
So that brings us to the water we drink.
Filter your water! Bottle water is not the answer because of the soft plastic that it is stored in. This plastic releases toxins into the water if it gets hot or if it gets cold. So even though it may have been pure spring water when it entered the bottle you cannot know if it got hot or cold before you bought it.
And we are learning how our tap water is not pure either. The fluoride put in the water was a scam. It is just a byproduct of petroleum that calcifies the pineal gland. Hopefully it will be taken out soon. We don’t need the chlorine either. I use a filter for the shower. I’ve had it for more than 10 years so I’m not sure what the brand name is but it’s similar to the Cobbe brand, around $30.
Epic Water Filters. They cost around $50. I am the only one using the filter so it lasts 3-4 months. I use more than a gallon of water each day for drinking and cooking with.
O3 Pure Multi-Purpose Ozone Generator Water Oil Ozonator, $79 – The machine has 5 options. 1. Remove toxins, sterilize medical equipment 2. Remove foul smell (for use in a room) 3. Sterilizer 4. Kills bacteria 5. Preserve freshness
I use the option #3, two times of 15 min. for a gallon of water. I bought 2 gallon size jars. In Walmart they are located where the canning jars are shelved. I was only using the machine one time to sterilize the water. But after listening to Dr. Robert Young (Blog post #14 Heal Thy Self) and in a number of his videos over the years, he says that the Ph of the body needs to be 8 or higher to heal. I was able to get mine up with the extra oxygen added to the water by running it for 30 minutes. I also use the machine to clean up the fruit I buy when I’m not sure it is Organic.
Now, keeping in mind that sounds and words can be imprinted into water, the final step for preparing the water I drink and use is as follows. And it puts me in the "The Woo”. But I’m okay with it as I know it is beneficial for my health and well-being. If it doesn’t resonate with you, that’s ok. My husband doesn’t say anything but I feel it makes him uncomfortable when I do it so I keep that in mind and try to energize my water with infused sounds while he is at work.
I use a iTerra Care wand (Blog post ) rotating it in a clockwise pattern while making sounds.
Om – the Universal balancer of energy for 5 seconds, silence for 5 seconds; 4 times
O – the sound for the connection of heaven and earth, 20 seconds /o/
E – the sound for the connection of hearts, 20 seconds /e/
A – the sound of the love of the Creator, 20 seconds /ah/
Love – sing the word over and over for its power to heal all things, 20 seconds
Additionally, you can cleanse a clear quartz crystal in the sun and use it at the bottom of the container. Some people put a crystal in their water bottle. I don’t like the sound of it hitting the edge so I use the wand that has a crystal inside of it.