Picture her Family Tree
And baby makes three. Two anxious girls are awaiting the arrival of this baby boy, as we all are. He will change the family tree, as all children and partners and adopted friends into family do. Everything changes but new life is a particular time to pause and wonder. You wonder about the child. You wonder about yourself. A state of wonder can feel like a state of gratitude as long as you keep fear behind you. Mary Morressey talks about fear and says that it travels with you through life. You get to be the one who tells fear where its place is. You can recognize it for what it is and deal with it, or you can let it lead. Something else she says that resonates with me is this: You can design your life or you can live it by default. Being conscious of your choices helps you to design life. Writing down your dreams, ideas, and fears so you can observe your thinking and release or change the perspective of your thinking is also a powerful way to design your life. So here you are living your life and then here comes this moment when you are adding in another life and wonder fills you up. What design will this new life play in our lives? Soon we will get the beginning of understanding, of sorts. This baby is already commanding attention while awaiting birth. Mom, pictured here is doing a great job of balancing all the demands on her time and attention also awaiting birth. With each heart there is a chance for more love in this world. We are hoping and thinking the best for this "new picture" on the family tree.