WWIII Quiet War, Silent Weapon No. 5 - Know the Laws: Natural Law and the Constitution
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Unalienable rights are those which God gave to man at the Creation, once and for all. By definition, since God granted such rights, governments cannot take them away. These natural rights include the right to think for oneself, the right to life, and the right to self-defense, and they remain throughout every human's lifetime. Legal rights, on the other hand are those created, acknowledged, and protected by a government.
The United States Government was installed by the people. And the Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and Constitution were created by the people to protect the people against anyone who might be in a government position overstepping these guidelines. The Constitution gives the people the right to dissolve the government if needed. I was taught Government in my senior year of High School in the 1970's. My husband learned these documents in the 1980's. Something changed over the next twenty years. My children were not taught the fine details of our blessed country when they were in High School. Knowing your rights protects you. Below are the rights as outline from the web site listed. Under that are links to print our most precious documents.
At the bottom of this post there is a link for a woman who knows the laws well. She tells that if you sign a form for the airline telling your seat assignment there is information in that form giving away your rights. Be diligent in these times. Keep the faith that all is well and live as such. Also be mindful of the evil that exists whom will take from you through trickery.
Every man and woman on earth is born with certain unalienable rights. These rights cannot be taken away by anyone unless you allow them to. Governments do everything they can to strip us of our Rights. So it is up to each one of us to know what our inalienable rights are, and then to stand up against anyone trying to take them away. Common Law protects our rights and gives us the tools to defend them against any attempt to destroy them.
These are our Unalienable Rights
Printable PDF of the Constitution:
Printable PDF of the Bill of Rights:
If you would like to see a person in action who knows the laws and travels the world without a mask or quarantine, watch the link below.