WWIII: We the People #8 Freedom

September 30, 2023  •  Leave a Comment

WWIII: We the People #8 Freedom

Tulsi Gabbard says it for me...freedom is our birthright.  We are not reliant on any government to give us this freedom and no emergency may take it away.  The government of the United State of America and many others in the world are so rogue that we need to take them down and start again, in my opinion.  If you cannot follow the Consitution, then go home.


We have the freedom to live independently from the system that has been set up and made corrupted.  Below is a link to an alternative to healing the Covid shot problems with the Spike protein.  It is the work of Dr. Peter McCullough and others who have made studies of this shot and effect on the human body.  These studies are independent of the corrupt government/science/bussiness model that has lies at its core.  

The Wellness Company website:



Information on how to heal from the effects of the shot.



How not to get fooled again



This information comes from Dr. Lee Merritt, The Medical Rebel


In the Shop tab there are videos for health and articles as well as products.


Many links for medical  and legal help without the tryanny...


                Article by Dr. McCullough, he also has a newletter sent by email, if interested from his website.


                 Vaccine Injury Treatment Guide



Alternative healing - I have not tried it. So do your own homework and pay attention to your own intution to make decisions.



Dedicated to the renewing the promise of America







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