WWIII: We The People #10 The Data Is In

June 05, 2024  •  Leave a Comment


Update, December 22, 2024: The Pfizer Papers: Pfizer's Crimes Against Humanity

"The Pfizer Papers offers an in-depth look at how Big Pharma, the US government, and healthcare entities stand protected behind the broad legal immunity provided by the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act) when creating, prescribing, and administering vaccines; and, under that shield of protection, do what is best for their bottom lines rather than for the health and well-being of Americans." - Amazon book description

More than 3200 professionals worked with the author, Naomi Wolf to read the papers that Pfizer wanted to keep hidden for 75 years but an honest Judge ruled against it.

Book now available.


Update, Nov. 3, 2024: The Netherlands take Bill Gates and Pfizer CEO to court for lying to their Government

In this video you'll see the Pfizer people celebrating the ability of the jab to dissolve the sexes.



This video brings forth the information that Pfizer paid for misinformation to be put out to the public.



Naomi Wolf speaks with Brand about her newly published book called "The Pfizer Papers."  This is the data that Pfizer wanted to keep hidden for 75 years.  More than 3, 200 professionals worked together to read and interpret every page.


Her book:





The stakes were high.  We were all on a wheel, waiting to see when this "virus" would get around to our own body or someone we knew.  People will die, so we were told.  Two weeks to slow the spread was the first rule of thumb.  And then that turned into weeks and more weeks.  After the first two weeks and no slowing of the propaganda and anxiety coming from every where you turned, I became suspicious.  In meditation I was told that the shot had "tracker dust".  I was laughed at but I went looking for answers.  And I found them in a publication that ended in 060606 held by Bill Gates.  You could be coupled with another device.  People thought it crazy.  It sounded like Star Wars.  And four years ago it did seem like a stretch of the imagination.  But I was not willing to chance it.  Others who critisized me, did.  I lost friends and family members to this shot.  Some were affected some afterward with a physical ailment.  Others showed no physical change but mentally they became more and more intollerent of any discent.  I understand as the media was relentless in putting blame on the unvaxinated, when we now have proof that this was all gas lighting.  It was the vaxinated that were getting sick.  It was the vaxinated that had their immune system compromised.

And it was in creating these blog posts to give outlet to the information I was learning that kept me sane.  Almost no one wanted to hear the truth. 

The Lie said to the Truth, "Let's take a bath together, the well water is very nice.

The Truth, still suspicious, tested the water and found out it really was nice. So they got naked and bathed.

But suddenly, the Lie leapt out of the water and fled, wearing the clothes of the Truth.

The Truth, furious, climbed out of the well to get her clothes back.

But the World, upon seeing the naked Truth, looked away, with anger and contempt.

Poor Truth returned to the well and disappeared forever, hiding her shame.

Since then, the Lie runs around the world, dressed as the Truth, and society is very happy..... because the world has no desire to know the naked Truth.


The Naked Truth is coming out. Do not look away. There is no shame in making mistakes if you are willing to make good because now you know the truth. We are all human. We The People will assist each other. That is what we do. It is shows more when we are in crisis. And we are in crisis. And love is still the answer.

This Football break is brought to you by P*fizer, who is still advertising on SEC for the shot BUT the statistics are in.  The company wanted the data they did before the rollout to be hidden for 75 years. Court ordered documents came out more than a year ago.  The data wasn’t on the news because the media gets paid so much from their advertisements we can only get controlled information (by design).  And compartmentalization keeps most statisticians from knowing what the big picture is.  Expect in New Zealand where there is only one statistician.  This man designed the structure for giving the shot and getting paid.  This shot was to “save us” and “protect the older generation”.  Remember that?  Well, the data is in.  After years of this mess we have the data that shows this needle in the arm kills on average 1 out of 3 people or 1 out of 4, depending on the batch (see screenshot).  The video in the comments below explains in detail how he collected the data and shows how it is unusual to have more than 120 deaths in a day.  IN the last decade this kind of death only happened a couple of times.  That is until the medicine for the masses was rolled out and now it’s obvious that it kills 120 people each day, day after day after day.  Screenshots of his computer screen are included just in case the video is taken down. 


The man and woman in the video have been persecuted for this information in New Zealand.  I became disheartened and did not post this information until a year later.  Much has happened in a year.  It is unclear how these brave souls are doing.


Update June 5, 2024

Karen Kingston shows the documentation that gives the agenda for putting nano-particles into the human to change the human and this can be done from a distance.  The document uses the word: bioweapon.



@24 min how the DNA into the Human Genome; entry point for TransHumanism - "It is you who is changed." Klaus Schwab

@ 28 min. The rest of the video is advertising The ReAwakening versus The Great Reset Tour.


Fauci video at hearings by US Govt. A medical doctor calls out Fauci for his part in restricting medication to help patients.




More information of the data.  In this video Dr. James Thorpe, MD and his wife Maggie Thorpe, researcher give ways to heal from the shot.  Link below to a website with a multitude of information.





UPDATE: July 4, 2024

We are all 'transfected", this is a term coined by Dr. Robert Young meaning that all blood has been altered through the toxins in our environment. In this most recent video he gives the information about what is in our blood and how we can clean it up by paying attention to the PH levels in our body.  The first two videos on the blood and the product mentioned Master Peace and Master Restore giving you the data collected. I ordered the products from


It is designed to get the Nano-tech & Heavy Metals out of your blood.

  In this video he also gives the breakdown of ingredients that are in the new drug Ozempic.  It is a horrible way to lose weight as it breaks down the body to do this.  Most people do not know that the drug is not making you more healthy.  The weight you lose will not make your body work better. 


"Transfection, Democide & The Internet of Bodies - - Dr. Robert Young on the SGT Report, Rumble



Previous two videos with Dr. Robert Young in the blog post below



More ways to heal and data with research studies already conducted.  Link for a previous blog post, undated May 20204






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