A Beast of a Beauty

June 27, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

A beast of a beauty sounds like a judgment of a title.  But what does it mean? These days beast means that the girl is strong. In this case, strong and attractive.  Or would it imply that there is meanness packed into an image deemed pleasing to look upon?  Either one might ring with some truth dependent upon the thoughts and actions of the person.  We like to make comparisons and judgments.  Our brains like patterns.  Most everyone has some idea or opinion about what a female should or could act like and look like. This idea or belief system is learned.  We can continue the passed down ideas or we find a different way to think about what we are being taught.  I remember being taught to be modest and quiet.  Both were not easy for me.  I was taught to be giving.  I was always good at being sweet and still have a tendency to be ruled by the heart giving others thoughtful attention.  And yet, I was also taught that whatever I put my mind to, I could do.  Dad always said, "IF you think you can't, you're right, you can't. IF you think you can, you're right, you can."  You give it your all and you can call yourself a beast.  It's not a matter of perfection.  It's a matter of giving all of what you have, to the moment at hand.  Being in the moment and giving of yourself is beautiful.  Being in that place of trust where you can be vulnerable and show all that is you, is not for every moment nor every person.   It is for those people who have earned the trust to see all of you.  You are writing your own story. You aren't perfect.  You aren't meant to be. But if you own your story of light and darkness, "you get to write the ending" (Daring Greatly, Brene Brown) It's what makes you who you are at a given moment in time. To use your mind AND your heart is what makes a balanced woman.   The image says, "As one thinketh in his heart so is he."    When you put it all together, the heart is the beast. Your heart speaks in feelings and knowings.  The mind gives you words. Your thoughts become your actions and just as often, your actions become your thoughts.  You make your choices.  And your choices make you: beauty or beast, beauty and the beast, or beast of a beauty are some of the choices. 


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